Monday, October 27, 2014

Bluegriffon - Drawbacks and Weaknesses

BlueGriffon is an open source freeware WYSIWYG HTML editor.  It was created by the same developer that contributed greatly to the development of the popular Kompozer with which it shares many similarities. As a more recent project it also has added features, less bugs and better compliance with more recent HTML and CSS specifications. It uses the Gecko rendering engine behind Firefox. 

After a quick initial look here are some of the possible drawbacks and/or weaknesses that were noticed using this program.
  1. There is no mouse right-click editing menu for quick copy-cut-paste operations in the source view although keyboard shortcuts can be used.
  2. Empty <div> elements are automatically removed on save.
  3. Extra features require paying for add-ons. 
Overall it still suffers from the Achilles heel that plagues WYSIWYG editors: a lack of control and precision.   

Friday, October 17, 2014

Cannot Edit or Save File - Access is Denied

If you are trying to save or edit a file but are getting an access is denied or file in use error determine the following and act accordingly.

File is Read Only

Select the file in Windows Explorer and choose Properties. Check to see if the box is ticked as read-only and deselect the box if it is.

File is Restricted to Administrator Access

Some files can only be accessed by administrators.  This can be a source of initial frustration for new Windows 7 users coming from Windows XP unused to the stricter security on the newer operating system.  To get around this run the accessing program as an administrator.  For example to edit a .css requiring administrator privileges, first you must have administrator privileges.  Right click on the icon of the program that will be used to open the .css file such as Notepad and select Run as Administrator. Open the .css file that you wish to edit from within Notepad, edit it and save.

File is in Use by a Running Process

Use Resource Monitor to determine what process is using the file you are having trouble accessing and close the file within that process and/or close the process.

CD-ROM DVD-ROM Behaving Strangely


If an inserted CD or DVD is not being read consistently and/or the drive is showing that it is empty even with a disc inside and there are other problems like slowness or unresponsiveness when issuing an eject command with the disc tray only coming out part way or not opening up at all there still might be a quick fix available if the problems stems from a problem in booting up the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM controller.

Turn off the computer.  Not just a restart but a complete power down. After waiting for around 30 seconds start the computer back up.  If the computer boots cleanly and smoothly with no interruptions or odd breaks and the CD-ROM DVD-ROM is working again it may have just been a problem with the CDROM controller not initializing properly.

Another thing one can try is making sure the power is being supplied correctly. Straightening the power cables inside the case so they are untangled may solve DVD read errors. In diagnosing the problem it may help to remove other peripherals like extra hard drives that take up additional power resources.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Namecheap - Problem Verifying Credit Card

Trouble Confirming Credit Card Details on Namecheap

If you are having difficulty getting your credit card information validated by the Namecheap automatic confirmation service when trying to buy or renew items in your cart the problem may be linked to your browser.  Firefox seems to have compatibility issues with the secure pay site.  Try using the most recent Internet Explorer or Chrome browser versions instead.